08 April, 2010

The spike has arrived

Hey. This is Chattiestspike2. Right to the point- I am a huge promoter of science and education. An educated society has an infinitely higher chance of propogating than a society which isn't- and the big block that is a huge barrier between advancement and recession is not financial issues nor is it geographic or ethnic placing; it is religion and it's bible literalists: Creationists.

I am anti intelligent design, anti magic-man-dun-it, anti hovind, anti comfort, anti strobel, anti cameron, and anti ham. I find it sickening that these huge fundamentalist organizations go out of their way to retard the knowledge of society in the name of a diety which has no evidence for it's existence except for a man-made book written hundreds of years ago- and because of this, because of my hatred for this kind of abuse, I find it my moral duty to fight against it with all the power I have, which might not be much but whatever I DO have, it will be unleashed.

I am not anti religion. I want to make that as clear as possible right off the bat. If someone wants to believe in a magical space fairy, that's perfectly fine with me. But I begin to have problems when religious people impose it on other people and force their ideologies down the throats of others. I begin to have problems when religious people tell me, or other people for the matter, they they are going to hell because they don't accept the same beliefs which they do. I begin to have problems with religious people who have a hatred for people outside their religion. And I begin to have problems when religious people try to slow down the progession of society and scientific advancements. If you cross any of those lines, you crossed into Chattiestspike territory, and you better expect conflict.

If you are religious but you don't bother anyone, you don't force your ideologies nor do you shun those who are outside your religion, AND you don't try to stop scientific progress in any way, shape, or form- you are a very rare kind of person, and you don't have to worry.

I sense you may have the idea of where I am coming from. I am please to be on this blog and I look forward to its progess.

- Chattiestspike2


Unknown said...

Good to see you on here dude, let's make it a collection of our pwnage, eh? =P

ZuluFightrunner said...

Welcome friend, Looking forward to your posts :)